Catch our new FINANCIAL FITNESS page

How can we improve your financial fitness?
We offer BALANCE financial fitness programs, and we can help you rebuild your credit and pay off debt.
We are also proud partners of the brand new Shelton YMCA. Visit our Financial Fitness page today.
Peninsula helps you set down financial roots and thrive.
Second Chance
Life happens, and we believe everyone deserves a fresh start. We offer Second Chance products that’ll help you get back on your feet and improve your financial life.
Financial coaching at every branch
Everyone you’ll meet at Peninsula is a certified financial counselor. From credit repair to budgeting, we’re here to listen and provide a helping hand.
Caring service
you can count on
Peninsula is staffed by local people who’re dedicated to serving our members. We’re known for our service, and will go the extra mile to help you and be there for our community.
We’re stronger together.
Credit unions help everyone. Our members benefit from lower fees and better rates, and our state benefits because money is staying local and in people’s pockets. Peninsula is committed to strengthening our communities and improving the lives of the families who live here.
We like to say “yes,” even if
no one else will
Our entire community is made stronger when the people who live here are doing better. That’s why we open our doors to everyone in our community—because we care about you and your financial health.
When you’re a member,
you’re a part of Peninsula
Peninsula isn’t a large financial institution—we’re a local credit union dedicated to serving our local communities. And Peninsula is member-owned, so when you join, you truly become a part of the credit union.