If you received your loan through our CUDL program you can expect the title or Affidavit in Lieu of title to be mailed to you after 10 business days. You will be required to take the title to your local Department of Licensing to have the credit union removed as legal owner.
If you refinanced your loan with us through our rate genius program you can expect the title or Affidavit in Lieu of title to be mailed to you after 10 business days. You will be required to take the title to your local Department of Licensing to have the credit union removed as legal owner.
If you received your loan directly from the credit union your title will be sent to the Department of Licensing after 10 business days to have the credit union removed as legal owner, you will receive your title from the Department of Licensing in about 6 to 8 weeks.
Please be sure that we have your current mailing address prior to your title being sent out.